2018-07-04 - Dreams of Knowledge

^z 23rd April 2023 at 7:58am

~8.5 mi @ ~13.8 min/mi

"Sweat Badge — Earned!" says Molly, as she and Caitlin run up the hill from Sligo Creek. It's a super-warm and humid Independence Day.

Instead of celebrating as planned beginning at 0704 on 07/04 we honor another American icon by starting 7:11am.

Roadkill's meandering pre-trek features 1 deer, 3 rabbits, a 4-storey 100-story Little Free Library, and a mutant turtle statue covered with proverbs.

The group loop around Takoma Park pauses for photography of a toucan mural and a starry night of knowledge triptych.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-07-26